Why Make `fetch`'s Response Body a Stream?

Émile Bergeron asked on Twitter why fetch's Response body is a stream:

Can someone explain to me what's the advantage of a readable stream for the response body?

In my mind, parsing the body as JSON should be idempotent, but there's probably a good reason behind that API choice that I'm not seeing today. 🤔

@tjcrowder maybe? #JavaScript #wat

const response = await fetch(SOME_URL);
response.json(); // fine
// TypeError: Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response':
// body stream is locked

I don't have any special knowledge on this, but I've always assumed it's an efficiency thing. I could see that in a couple of ways. Making it a stream means:

  1. In theory, the browser can avoid loading the entire body into memory and then doing something with it (parsing as JSON, loading into an ArrayBuffer, etc.); instead, depending on the method you call, the browser can feed the response's network stream directly to the JSON parser, or ArrayBuffer builder, or Blob builder, etc.
  2. The parsing/etc. can happen in concert with the read (in theory that would mean an early error in the JSON would allow it to avoid continuing to read the body).
  3. The Response object doesn't have to keep a copy of the body after you've consumed it in case you call json() or such again; keeping the result is the job of the code using the response.

Émile pointed out that you can clone() the Response and then use json on both; from his follow-up tweet:

I'm aware of some alternative to avoid the error, like cloning the response.

const response = await fetch(SOME_URL);
response.clone().json(); // fine!
response.json(); // fine as well

...and that's true, but following through the specs (1, 2, 3) I'd probably want to avoid doing that when possible, since if I'm reading right, it triggers a read of the body and stores two copies of it (one for the clone, one for the original), at least until you consume them. So I think I'd use text() and then JSON.parse twice:

const response = await fetch(SOME_URL);
if (!response.ok) { // Don't forget the HTTP result check!
    throw new Error("HTTP error " + response.status);
let text = await response.text();
const copy1 = JSON.parse(text);
const copy2 = JSON.parse(text);
text = null;

I could easily be wrong about specific motivations, but using streams rather than passing big blocks of data around is a fairly popular thing, and it makes sense to me to ensure that only the consumer of the API keeps the data around.

Happy Coding!

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